Celebrating Diwali at Intrapac Communities
Intrapac’s Ellarook project in Truganina celebrated the Diwali Hindu festival on Saturday afternoon.
Marking the beginning of the financial year in India, Diwali is associated with Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity. Traditionally known as the “festival of lights” because houses, shops and public places are decorated with small oil lamps called “diyas” Diwali always falls some time in October or November with the exact date varying each year as the Hindu calendar is based on the Moon.
With a very strong Indian demographic prevalent in the Ellarook estate, Intrapac organised an afternoon of free activities including rangoli and henna art as well as entertainment by Rachana Natyalaya with stunning classical and folk dance performances by her students.
The Melbourne Tabla School also entertained with an interactive traditional Indian music whilst roving entertainers ensured the 150 odd Ellarook residents in attendance were always engaged.
With many residents choosing to dress in traditional Indian attire, the event provided an opportunity for the community to celebrate Diwali whilst socialising with their new community in the well appointed Central Park which was completed during covid.
This type of engagement, organised and funded by Intrapac Property and specific to the needs and wants of the project’s community is just one of the ways that sets Intrapac apart from our peers.